500 word essay on bullying

Bullying is typically associated with schools and considered physical in nature. The unfortunate truth though, is that bullying is very much psychological and goes way past schools into colleges, offices and other places of social interaction.

To comprehend the overall impact of this menace on society, we need to understand the cause and effects of bullying that starts at an early age.

Lets start with the cause. There are three main causes that most counsellors agree as how bullying starts.

First, the bully, is someone who may be facing aggression at their home themselves. This may be from a parent, sibling or another relative. These young minds end up bullying another innocent student in their school or vicinity to cope with what they themselves are facing in their lives.

Second, a bully may be someone who actually has over-indulgent parents. These children have grown with parents that cannot see what their precious child is becoming. They are always supported no matter what and the parents just refuse to believe that their child is capable of harming others. These children can grow up with a sense of entitlement and can even feel they have the right to their way, regardless of how it is affecting someone else.

The third reason is peer pressure. It is possible that a student would otherwise never indulge in bullying if it wasn’t for the feeling of being accepted by their peers. These students try and find those they can bully just to be part of the group.

All of these causes of bullying can carry on all throughout the life of a bully. It starts from the schools and carries over to other aspects of life as they grow and interact with society.

The effects of bullying can be deep on many. For the person getting bullied, they can get psychologically and emotionally scarred for life. This is especially true if they have been bullied at a young age.

What some consider as harmless fun amongst school children is in reality no laughing matter. In most cases, the person at the receiving end of bullying will remember everything even as an adult. Many of their own actions or anxieties are subconsciously driven by the bullying they faced in the past.

The effects of bullying is purely on the mental side. From children to adults, people can face depression, anxiety, nervousness and inability to interact socially. In some cases, even the bully themselves face depression and other emotional issues.

This is the reason why bullying is considered as a social evil and must be addressed effectively in our society. We need to be open in our talks about bullying and show young children or adults that it is ok for them to feel a certain way. They just need to talk it out with someone and not hold things inside them that slowly eats them away from within.

At the end of the day, both the bully and the one being bullied needs someone to address their emotional scars to ensure they live productive and healthy lives.

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Note: This is a 500 word essay on the cause and effects of bullying. For a 250 word essay, you can reduce the introduction and main points. At the same time, for a 1000 word essay, you can add citations, references and elaborate on each point.