Warming Up!

1. Assuming A, B, C, D, as speakers ask the assigned questions in your group and discuss.

A – If you do not study well, what will happen?

Ans: If we do not study well, then we will fair poorly in our exams and may have problems in the future in getting the college or jobs we want.

B – If you wake up late on a working day.

Ans: If we wake up late on a working day, we will be late to office, the work that needs to be completed will get delayed and our office manager will be upset.

C – If you do not exercise regularly, what will happen?

Ans: If we do not exercise regularly, our health will get spoilt, we will gain weight and our bones etc will get weak.

D – If you eat too much junk food, what will happen?

Ans: If we eat too much junk food, our health will get completely spoilt, our body will feel weak and we will gain weight.

E – If you do not participate in school activities/games.

Ans: If we do not participate in school activities or games, we will miss out on all the fun and our school life would be boring.

F – If you ignore a friend in need.

Ans: If we ignore our friend in need, our friend will feel sad and upset and may not choose to be our friend anymore.

2. Things I can do in my life.

For My Nation:

– Keep my locality clean
– Stay in peace and harmony
– Help the needy
– Be respectful to everyone

For My Family

– Care for my family
– Help in the house
– Earn money for family
– Love everyone

For My Friends

– Wait for them
– Help them in need
– Spend time with them
– Play with them

For Old People

– Spend time with them
– Help them when required
– Read to them
– Be their friend

For The Needy

– Share with them
– Help them in their need
– Provide food
– Provide medicines

For Myself

– Pray to God
– Follow my heart
– Study well
– Respect myself

3. Complete the following web and write a paragraph.

My Wish:

– Travel in space
– Fly around
– Be a singer
– Eat good food

Every person has their own hopes and desires. It is important that we know what makes up happy and work hard to achieve that happiness. Our dreams and wishes can be anything like traveling in space or flying around the world to see everything our beautiful earth has to offer. I personally would love to be a singer and perform on the world stage. Eating good delicious food also makes me happy and I wish I had the capability to go around the world tasting the best dishes in every culture.

From the Poem Page:

1. What things can lead to a slow death?

Ans: If we do not travel, read or listen to the sounds of life or avoid feeling passion in our hearts, it can all lead to a slow death.

2. What is it that makes life worth living? Give four points.

Life is worth living for:

1) The incredible people that you meet, our friends and family.
2) The amount of things you can do and see around the world.
3) The absolute beauty of nature, the oceans, mountains etc.
4) The incredible food that we can eat, taste and cook.

3. The poet has left the last stanza incomplete. What line will you add to complete it?

Ans: I will add the line “Not truly understanding and following your heart, you start dying slowly.”

English Workshop

1. Read the different messages in the poem given below. Choose the one that suits this poem, best.

b) Fulfill all your dreams and unfulfilled dreams.

2. State the following:

a) Theme/Central idea of the poem:

The central idea of the poem is how you should lead your life. To truly live and experience life, you must follow your passions. You must travel, read, dress well or whatever your heart desires. Most important, you must not avoid feeling emotions and do things that allow your heart to beat fast. If you are afraid and do not chase your dreams, then your life can become meaningless and it is as good as dying slowly.

b) Line that provides evidence of the theme:

If you do not listen to the sounds of life,
If you do not appreciate yourself,
You start dying slowly.

c) Three characteristics, from the poem, that makes a person dull and uninteresting.

– If you do not travel
– If you do not read
– If you do not listen to the sounds of life.

3. Pick our four Adjectives from the poem and write them down with the nouns they describe.

1) Turbulent – emotions
2) Sensible – advice
3) Same – paths
4) Different – colours

4. Compare the structure of the poem, “You start dying slowly” to the poems in unit one (1.1 and 1.3). To which poem does the structure match.

Ans: The structure of the poem “You start dying slowly” matches the poem “Basketful of Moonlight” from unit one.

What differences do you notice in the other ones. Note them down:

1) The rhyme scheme is different. ”A Teenagers Prayer” has abcb rhyme scheme whereas “You Start Dying Slowly” has free-verse.

2) All paras of “A Teenagers Prayer” is uniform whereas the paras in “You Start Dying Slowly” are not uniform.

3) “A Teenagers Prayer” has 20 lines whereas “You Start Dying Slowly” has 27 lines.

4) “A Teenagers Prayer” has uniform lines whereas “You Start Dying Slowly” does not have uniform lines.

5. What expression is repeated in the poem? How many times? Why do you think the poet emphasizes it?

Ans: The expression “If you do not” is repeated in the poem. It is repeated 10 times.

The poet emphasizes this expression to strongly enforce the idea that if you do not follow your heart, or do not chase your dreams, you start dying slowly. The expression “If you do not” is important to the central idea of the poem.

6. Write the opposite of the following in the form of advice using different words and phrases.

a) You do not travel – you should travel as much as you can.

b) You do not appreciate yourself – you should appreciate yourself.

c) You kill your self-esteem – you should keep up your self-esteem.

d) You become a slave of habits – you must not become a slave of your habits.

e) You refuse to speak to strangers – you must speak to strangers.

f) You do not change your life – you should change your life.

g) You refuse to take a risk – you should never refuse to take a risk.

7. Go through the following steps and discuss in pairs about the facts mentioned in it. Write a paragraph using the points. Give another interesting title.

Title: Live life to the fullest.

If you want to make the most of your life, you must work on yourself and try to get rid of your bad habits one by one.

You need to avoid negative thoughts that come in your mind and focus on positive aspects.

It is important to trust yourself, what your heart tells you and genuinely love what you do.

We must always keep learning from life and experience new things. Our minds will be enriched the more we learn and feel what life has to offer.

To truly live life to the fullest, it is essential that we learn to care as well as share with others in society.

Above all, always be humble, respectful and welcome each day with a big smile. A happy heart will be able to tackle anything that comes in your way and have a sense of fulfilment within us.

8. Complete the following table with the things in your life which help you to change your habits and routine.


If I travel – I shall be able to see our beautiful world and gain new experiences.

If I read – I shall enrich my mind and learn new things.

If I change my bad habits – I shall become a better human being and appreciate myself.

If I play continuously on a mobile phone – I shall miss the pleasures of playing outdoor games.

If I don’t make friends – My life would become dull and boring.

9. Everyone needs inspiration to move ahead or make progress in our life. There are some things which inspire us to live better. What are those things?

a) Stories
b) Family
c) Friends
d) Teachers
e) Movies
d) Desire for things.

10. Complete the web diagram with words that go with their topics:

Sea Waves



11. Write about a day when you felt very happy. Use the following questions to help you. Think/Recollect a day………..

I still remember the day that my entire family went to Ooty the first time. It was on 9th September 2018. It was my father’s birthday and we decided to celebrate by taking a trip to the beautiful mountains. Although it was a long journey from Mumbai to Ooty, we had a lot of fun during the journey. We left home at 5 am in the morning. Throughout the journey we never felt tired and played games all along the way. I will never forget when we reached Ooty by late afternoon. Seeing the beautiful mountains and tea gardens left me completely mesmerized. My family saw my joy and were themselves happy that we took this trip. We went all around Ooty and saw as much as we could. In the end, we decided that traveling was the best thing for our minds and our family, so we now go for such trips as often as possible. To this day, I can feel the pure joy, happiness and thrill that I felt during the trip to Ooty.

12. Use internet or any book to write four inspirational or motivational quotes, related to the message/s in the poem.

a) “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

b) “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

c) “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

d) “Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson