500 word essay on noise pollution

Typically when we think of pollution, we first think of air pollution. However, noise pollution is one of the worst kinds of pollution that affects both our physical and mental well-being.

Although noise pollution is not associated with carbon emissions, environment damage and climate change, it is equally dangerous and we must take it seriously.

Noise pollution is loud, unwanted and untimely sounds that both humans and animals can hear. Although it is something that we cannot see, it is felt by all living beings. The nature of noise pollution is such that it can cause immediate stress in our bodies and create disturbance in our minds.

Few examples of noise pollution can be loud music, the sound of crackers during festivals, new year celebrations or even weddings, incessant honking from cars and other vehicles or noises from heavy industrial work.

Noise pollution is usually measured in decibels and higher the count, the more severe is the pollution. Unfortunately, various studies have shown the increasing menace of noise pollution affecting all life across the globe.

There are many adverse health effects of noise pollution. The most critical of these are hearing loss and cognitive damage. Usual functions of our brain are hampered with noise pollution. Continued exposure to loud noises eventually can cause severe decline in brain functions.

Some medical professionals even warn about the effects of noise pollution on our heart. Due to increased stress levels, there is pressure on our heart that eventually leads to pressure on various organs of our body.

Hence noise pollution affects the entire body starting with our mind. Not to mention the absolutely nuisance factor of noise pollution that can at times make us lose focus and concentration on our current activities.

While noise pollution affects all humans, we must not forget it affects all animal life as well. Dogs get scared and confused when they are exposed to sounds of firecrackers. Marine life including dolphins get severely affected by loud noises emitted by large ships.

As it affects human health, similarly noise pollution affects animal health as well. The only difference here is that human can still try and get help while the animals are rendered completely helpless.

Due to all this, we should learn to care about our surroundings, our fellow human beings and our animal friends by not indulging in any activity that can cause loud, undesired noises.

It is believed, we as humans need to be more considerate towards the other as noise pollution can easily be reduced if we just cared for the well-being of others.

We should not play loud music if others are getting disturbed. Similarly, we can refrain from bursting crackers as that creates both noise and air pollution. We do not need to honk all the time and be patient on the road.

Our daily activities can help reduce noise pollution to a considerable extent. In fact, noise pollution in theory is the simplest type of pollution that we can reduce immediately. All we need to do is genuinely care.

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Note: This is a 500 word essay on noise pollution. For a 250 word essay, you can reduce the introduction and main points. At the same time, for a 1000 word essay, you can add citations, references and elaborate on each point.